ui state in jetpack compose
What is Ui state in jetpack compose: UIState in Jetpack Compose is a way to represent the current state of your UI. It is a type-safe class that can hold any value, and it can be updated at any time. When the state of your UI changes, Compose will automatically recompose the affected parts of your UI. Here is an example of how to use UIState: class MyComposeApp : Component { val uiState = UIState<String>(initialValue = "Hello, world!") @Composable fun Content() { Text(uiState.value) Button(onClick = { uiState.value = "Goodbye, world!" }) { Text("Change state") } } } ``` In this example, we create a UIState object called `uiState`. The initial value of `uiState` is "Hello, world!". We then use `uiState` to create a `Text` composable that displays the current value of `uiState`. We also create a `Button` composable that allows the user to change the va...