
Showing posts from September, 2021

Java projects | ATM Machine projects in java | ATM projects | Java practices | learn Java | Java Miniprojects

                          Java Mini projects                 Project Defintion:                  This projects like a commend like project . it is more use for many beginners to practice in our programming skills .this project name is ATM machine project.because, this projects should perform like a ATM machine . i would use the fnction are Deposite,withdrawel,balance and acconut creation .And i should tell one thing of this projects because that projects is more sequrly to create for the client . please use that . i  hope you will definly like that project. Functions : Deposite Balance Account creation withdrawel Code : import java.util.*; class demo {          int count = 0;     String client ;     int Total = 0;     Scanner sc = new Scanner(;     public void Account()     {         System.out.println("Enter the No : ");         client =;         System.out.println("Account created SuccessFully....");         System.out.println("And Deposi

webview in android studio| progress bar in androis studio | project in Android Studio using java | Mini project in Android Studio | learn Android Studio |

                     Android Studio                          Explaination of the project :  That project is like a mini project for to improve in your developing skills in android studio. In this i would be paste the differnt types of file code  that all the file give a good understanble  First file name is Active_main.xml And that file Backend file name file then second file name is Activity_main2.xml the second file backend is MainActivity2.xml And last importen file is Mainfeast.xml file if you want pref explain about the file please commend below File 1 activity_main.xml <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8" ?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns: android ="" xmlns: app ="" xmlns: tools ="" android :layout_width ="match_parent" android :layout_

java Project like admin | admin opertion in java | HashMap learn | what is HashMap in java | Java projects | mini projects

                         Java Projects Like Admin: I will explain the details of the projects this project will make methods are should be find the your student are admin . i am use the HashMap class in this project That is Code of the Project :  import java.util.*; class demo {     public static void main(String[]  args)     {         HashMap<String,String> database = new HashMap<String,String>();         Scanner sc = new Scanner(;         String pass = "pass";         System.out.println("enter Your RollNo :");         String RollNo =;         System.out.println("enter Your Name :");         String Name =;         database.put(RollNo, Name);         System.out.println("Your Details Stored Succesfully....");         System.out.println("--------------------------------------");         System.out.println("1.Admin");         System.out.println("2.Student");         int choose