
ui state in jetpack compose

  What is Ui state in jetpack compose: UIState in Jetpack Compose is a way to represent the current state of your UI. It is a type-safe class that can hold any value, and it can be updated at any time. When the state of your UI changes, Compose will automatically recompose the affected parts of your UI. Here is an example of how to use UIState: class MyComposeApp : Component {   val uiState = UIState<String>(initialValue = "Hello, world!")   @Composable   fun Content() {     Text(uiState.value)     Button(onClick = {       uiState.value = "Goodbye, world!"     }) {       Text("Change state")     }   } } ``` In this example, we create a UIState object called `uiState`. The initial value of `uiState` is "Hello, world!". We then use `uiState` to create a `Text` composable that displays the current value of `uiState`. We also create a `Button` composable that allows the user to change the value of `uiState`. When the user clicks on the button,

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How To perform Search Operation in Android Studio :

                                                                 How To perform Search Operation in Android Studio : Xml file : <AutoCompleteTextView android :id ="@+id/auto" android :layout_width ="151dp" android :layout_height ="48dp" android :hint ="search" android :textSize ="20dp" app :layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf ="parent" app :layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf ="parent" app :layout_constraintHorizontal_bias ="0.857" app :layout_constraintStart_toStartOf ="parent" app :layout_constraintTop_toTopOf ="parent" app :layout_constraintVertical_bias ="0.111" /> That AutoCompleteTextView Tag is More Useful for Search Operation perform. because if you can type some product it should fetch from the list at suggestion list  Then We will See about the Java Page  Java File: name = new ArrayList<String>() ; name .add( "Wel

Java projects | ATM Machine projects in java | ATM projects | Java practices | learn Java | Java Miniprojects

                          Java Mini projects                 Project Defintion:                  This projects like a commend like project . it is more use for many beginners to practice in our programming skills .this project name is ATM machine project.because, this projects should perform like a ATM machine . i would use the fnction are Deposite,withdrawel,balance and acconut creation .And i should tell one thing of this projects because that projects is more sequrly to create for the client . please use that . i  hope you will definly like that project. Functions : Deposite Balance Account creation withdrawel Code : import java.util.*; class demo {          int count = 0;     String client ;     int Total = 0;     Scanner sc = new Scanner(;     public void Account()     {         System.out.println("Enter the No : ");         client =;         System.out.println("Account created SuccessFully....");         System.out.println("And Deposi

webview in android studio| progress bar in androis studio | project in Android Studio using java | Mini project in Android Studio | learn Android Studio |

                     Android Studio                          Explaination of the project :  That project is like a mini project for to improve in your developing skills in android studio. In this i would be paste the differnt types of file code  that all the file give a good understanble  First file name is Active_main.xml And that file Backend file name file then second file name is Activity_main2.xml the second file backend is MainActivity2.xml And last importen file is Mainfeast.xml file if you want pref explain about the file please commend below File 1 activity_main.xml <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8" ?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns: android ="" xmlns: app ="" xmlns: tools ="" android :layout_width ="match_parent" android :layout_

java Project like admin | admin opertion in java | HashMap learn | what is HashMap in java | Java projects | mini projects

                         Java Projects Like Admin: I will explain the details of the projects this project will make methods are should be find the your student are admin . i am use the HashMap class in this project That is Code of the Project :  import java.util.*; class demo {     public static void main(String[]  args)     {         HashMap<String,String> database = new HashMap<String,String>();         Scanner sc = new Scanner(;         String pass = "pass";         System.out.println("enter Your RollNo :");         String RollNo =;         System.out.println("enter Your Name :");         String Name =;         database.put(RollNo, Name);         System.out.println("Your Details Stored Succesfully....");         System.out.println("--------------------------------------");         System.out.println("1.Admin");         System.out.println("2.Student");         int choose